Matthew Twells

Author, Cybersecurity Professional & Front-End
Development Enthusiast


I've done a variety of jobs in the technology

and cybersecurity space - system administration,

penetration testing, internal audit, consultancy,

technical project management and instructing.

It's safe to say it's a big passion of mine!

Ideally, looking to move into a Security Architect
role in the future!

Front-End Engineering

Recently decided to take another stab at learning to code

and set myself the task of building this site from a blank

VS Code screen! I fell down the rabbit hole

and have discovered a real passion for anything front-end dev!

Focusing mostly on HTML5, CSS3, Python,

Django and JavaScript!

Writing & Teaching

I've written professionally as a side job for years:

paid blogging, copywriting and marketing material.

I've also written one full-length book - The Cybersecurity

Field Manual, with another in development. I have also

developed technical/soft skills training courses & programs

for a range of companies large and small both sides of the Atlantic.

Always working to do the basics well. Partly because it's the right thing
to do. Mostly because the people on Stack Overflow yell at you if you don't.